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How Does the Psychedelic Experience Evolve Over Multiple Trips?

Your first true psychedelic trip is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Stepping over the threshold of the unknown, you come face to face with yourself in a way you never did before. However, once you’ve had that first life-changing journey, what comes next? How do our psychedelic experiences evolve over time?

ChatGPT Recommends User Ease Grief with Shrooms; Reddit Agrees

Expecting empathy from a machine might have seemed like total lunacy a few years ago. However, in a post-Large Language Model world, it seems that it is becoming more and more plausible. Initially, LLMs tended to make fools of themselves when answering more nuanced questions, but, though barely older, they seem to have become significantly wiser, even recommending the use of magic mushrooms…

New Fungus That Turns Spiders into ‘Zombies’ Found in Irish Cave

Did you enjoy The Last of Us? Or was the thought of parasitic fungus taking over the world just a bridge too far? If you belong to the latter club, then — trigger warning — parasitic fungus (and spiders) ahead. However, if you’re part of the former, read on for a curious case of life (kind of) imitating art…

Study Finds Psilocybin Increases Empathy in Depressed People

Humans are social animals. In fact, you could easily argue that our sense of empathy and social conscience is directly linked to how civilization as we know it, began. A new study has found that psilocybin, the psychoactive ingredient in magic mushrooms, can actually increase empathy in those who are suffering from depression, a condition in which empathy can be compromised. 
