Apart from Christmas, what other time of year do you spend as much energy thinking about how to put a smile on the faces of your loved ones? And então rushing to the store and cursing under your breath when these special gifts are sold out?

É verdade! Apesar do que todos os filmes de Natal nos dizem - com a sua alegria de Natal - às vezes a oferta parte do Natal é a parte mais estressante de todas. A tua irmã vai gostar desse colar? O teu tio vai dar-te de novo a torradeira de sanduíche para o ano que vem? E se a tua primazinha chorar, gritar e atirar aquela Barbie sereia à tua cabeça porque a cauda é da cor errada?! Há tantas variáveis. Já para não falar de teres de agir agradecido quando te dão meias de novo.

Lynda Hinton via Unsplash

Mas, houve um tempo em que o Natal realmente era sobre bondade. Sobre dar aos necessitados, não aos gananciosos. Mas esta louca maratona de presentes deve ter começado em algum lugar, certo? 

Aí vem o Pai Natal...

Bem, tudo provém do homem grande com o trenó. Sim Pai Natal, Pai Natal, Kris Kringle... tu conheces o tipo. Mas ele não surgiu do nada para lançar uma generosa competição de uma só vez. Então... where on earth did he come from…?

Photo by _ drz _ on Unsplash

Turns out — as usually seems to be the way with holiday figures — Santa is an amalgamation of many different characters, hailing from Scandinavian, Germanic, and Middle Eastern countries, to name a few. However, the strongest link with today’s Mr Claus is St Nicholas, the Patron Saint of children and sailors, who was born around 280 AD in what is modern day Turkey. He became legendary for his good deeds — it is said that he gave away all his inherited wealth and wandered the country helping the poor and the sick. His death-day on the 6th of December became a day of celebration, on which people would give each other gifts to follow in his example of compassion. 

St Nicholas Saves The Ship' de Fra Angelico, 1447-8

Christmas Traditions Begin To Change and Grow

When European immigrants began arriving in America, they took along their various ‘Saint Nicks’ (os holandeses com Sinterklaas, os alemães com Heilige Nikolaus, os suecos com Jultomte), and they slowly combined, morphing into the jelly-bellied guy we know and love today. Industrialization meant that products could be produced on a large scale, and the booming new American economy created both the means and the demand for Christmas gifts. 

Nowadays, some people might be more interested in getting the newest iPhone than they are in helping those in need. But it doesn’t have to be this way…

Most of us, if we just stop and look around, can see what is truly important — each other! But, there is a way to help you open your heart wide this season — or at least crack a window for the real Grinches.

"Ho-hoho como? You might ask…

Bem, how about instead of a Christmas tree, we get some cogumelos de Natal

(Ou ambos!)

Deck The Halls With Boughs of... Mushrooms?

Sure, psychedelics and St. Nick may not be the obvious combo, but hear us out:

Research has found that a psilocybin trip, from either magic mushrooms or truffles, can increase feelings of love, compassione altruistic acts. Christmas spirit all year round?! It sounds too good to be true!

Well, thank Rudolph and his psychedelic nose, it ain’t! In 2006 those busy elves at John Hopkins University were pesquisando os efeitos de ter experiências do tipo "místico" sob a influência da psilocibina. Dos muitos resultados fascinantes que encontraram, um foi que os participantes relataram mudanças positivas em suas atitudes e comportamento - eles foram mais gentis, mais abertos. Mais importante, os amigos e familiares dos voluntários, quando entrevistados, concordaram sobre as mudanças positivas perceptíveis no seu ente querido. E se os seus amigos e família não o conhecem melhor, quem o conhece?!

Claro que, para além dos estudos recentes sobre esta ideia, há muito que existe uma ligação entre o uso psicadélico e a bondade. Pense nos anos 60. Verão do Amor no auge da era psicadélica! Às vezes os estereótipos são um pouco verdade.

Um Símio Pedrado na sua meia

Se você se inscrever no Teoria do Símio Apedrejadopopularizada por Terence McKenna, you’ll know that it attributes the development of social empathy, ritual, and even spiritual communion to early human ingestion of psychedelic mushrooms. If you follow this theory down, one could say that St. Nicholas ele próprio was only so kind because thousands of years previously a monkey ate a shroom, and it made him feel warm fuzzies for his fellow monkey. And charity was born! 😜

através da Creative Commons

 Talvez não seja a história de Natal que nós... saiba... mas talvez seja a história de Natal que nós... necessidade. 

The ‘Effective Altruism’ Community

But, ironically, it seems that altruism can also be financially lucrative. In 2019, Atman Retreat was opened in Jamaica, where one could go to experience safe, legal, psilocybin experiences with beautiful beach views. The founder of the retreat, Aaron Necksmith-Beck, is busy in the ‘altruísmo eficaz(EA) comunidade. Eles se definem como "...uma filosofia e movimento social que defende o uso da evidência e do raciocínio para determinar as formas mais eficazes de beneficiar os outros".

At the moment the EA crew are looking at psychedelics as just that — one of the ‘most effective ways to benefit others.’ St. Nicholas would have amado o AE (provavelmente!)

Necksmith-Beck explica:

"Acreditamos que aumentar o acesso a experiências psicodélicas de alta qualidade pode ter impacto na melhoria da saúde mental, no aumento da eficácia pessoal, talvez tornando as pessoas mais altruístas e promovendo o florescimento humano a longo prazo".

(via Medium)

This Christmas, Why Not Give the Gift of Love?

Of course, we all have the capacity for love and compassion in our hearts. And not just for our friends — for strangers too! But, in this fast-paced, overwhelming world sometimes we forget we are actually able. It’s easier to just cocoon ourselves, and let it go by. Often it’s only come the holiday season that we start to think of others. A recent survey found that 40% of all charitable giving in the U.S happens between Thanksgiving and New Year! But that doesn’t mean people aren’t in need of compassion all year round — ranging from charitable donations, to just being kinder to your own parents. 

Como disse Benjamin Franklin;

"Uma boa consciência é um Natal contínuo."

E como diz o Pai Natal;

"Feliz Tripmas a todos, e a todos uma boa viagem!*

*citação necessária ?

This Christmas why not give the gift of love? And, for that matter, why not all year round too? Our products are available 365 days a year!