The mushroom shape is iconic. The broad cap, the long stem — from the fresh produce aisle to Fantasia — you know where you are with a shroom. However, the new (and aptly named) Snowball mushroom doesn’t waste its time on all that — in fact, it doesn’t even have sporos arba gills — belying its artificial origins. It grows in clusters, cloud-like and dense neabejotinai mutant.

The Mutant Cousin of the ‘Penis Envy’ Mushroom

The strain, first reported in Popular Mechanics, is the mutant-child of over two years of experiments by “Pope Joseph”, a mycologist. He first produced the mutation while trying to cultivate a structurally different version of (other famous freaky shroom) the Varpos pavydas mushroom. He tried various different compost blends, with the hope that the stress caused to the mushrooms would trigger genetic shifts. It worked. This new mushroom was a ball, devoid of the normal characteristics of a mushroom — cap, gills, stem, etc. 

Interviu su Dvigubai aklas Joseph said;

“I was trying to cultivate a thicker morphology by returning to spore,” 

“I’ve encountered blobs before, but this one was different — denser, more structured”

“When I cut into it, it made this unexpected ‘ee-uur’ sound, almost like slicing through rubber.” 

The Snowball mushroom (via InoculateTheWorld)

A Record Breaking Mushroom

Often, a kooky mutant mushroom doesn’t manage to retain its form after a few cloning attempts. However, once again the unmelting Snowball proved it was not like the other shrooms. Every cloned batch was the same, and grew to a prodigious size. 

“I’ve had single fruits weigh over 1,200 grams wet,” Pope Joseph told Dvigubai aklas. “If active species records were formally documented, this would probably break a few.”

This Snowball is not just a significant development in mushroom cultivation in general. It also marks an exciting new realm of psilocybin mushroom cultivation, and all the possibilities that holds, from therapeutic to recreational.

Drew Collins, founder and CEO of InoculateTheWorld (ITW), a company that distributes mushroom spores and unveiled the Snowball, is deeply impressed by the mushroom stating, 

 “I’ve been describing it as that moment you look out the window of a plane and there’s a never ending field of clouds.” 


The Snowball’s Looks Are Impressive, But its Potency is Too!

Collins also emphasized the painstaking work Joseph’s cultivation of the mushroom required, explaining;

“There was a deep level of perfectionism, organization, and thoroughness in his work—thousands of petri dishes with complex labelling systems.” 

Unlike some psychedelic mushroom cultivators, Joseph was not focused on the potency of his creations, rather he was interested in creating a “cloud-like form”. And he certainly managed it!

The Snowball is pure white, except when it is bruised or cut. Then, the damaged spot turns a dramatic, deep blue. 

The dramatic blue bruises of a Snowball mushroom (via InoculateTheWorld)

It was when Joseph was researching the Penis Envy strain of magic mushroom that he discovered the mutation. While the Snowball was mainly developed for its appearance, it has been testing high for active alkaloids — i.e. psychedelic effects in humans. Its novel looks and psychedelic prowess means that psychonauts will definitely be on the prowl to procure some Snowballs themselves. However, the shroom won’t be available to the general public. 

“Snowball is like no other strain of cubensis we’ve seen before, making it the perfect addition for any researcher seeking something new and exciting,” ITW announced.

The Exciting Future of Mushroom Cultivation

Collins is keen to point out the potential the cultivation of novel strains of fungi could hold for Biometric research, explaining that learning from nature “has resulted in some of the greatest leaps in understanding since the dawn of consciousness.”

Beyond their good looks, the genetic material held by fungal spores alone could represent sustainable food sources, textiles, building materials, medicines for both body and mind, and more.”

So, there you have it. The psychedelic mutant Snowball — kept under wraps — kol kas.

(Spauskite čia to grow your own magic mushrooms!)