The concept of spiritual emergence is an ancient one, likely as old as human spirituality itself. However, the term was coined for the Western lexicon by pioneer of transpersonal psychiatry Stanislav Grof in his 1989 book, Spiritual Emergency: When a Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis.

Grof defined it as; “the movement of an individual to a more expanded way of being that involves enhanced emotional and psychosomatic health, greater freedom of personal choices, and a sense of deeper connection with other people, nature, and the cosmos.”

Stanislav Grof (via Wikimedia Commons)

Why Spiritual Emergence is Vital Now

In this current psychedelic moment it is easy to see why this idea has resurfaced. It is about seeking meaning and connection that is greater than our own individual identity, and finding ways to increase our capacity for compassion and wisdom through personal growth. However, much like the present moment we find ourselves in, spiritual emergence can be tumultuous. It is at these points of difficulty that spiritual emergence can become a spiritual emergency. 

The difference between spiritual emergence and spiritual emergency is a crucial one, but they are inextricably linked. The two terms intentionally play on eachother, ‘emergency’ implying crisis, but with the term ‘emergence’ (i.e. something appearing or becoming visible) within. These terms imply that both growth and crisis can arise from this process. 

When Can Spiritual Emergence Occur?

Predicting with any precision when spiritual emergence will occur is almost impossible. It is a spontaneous phenomenon. Despite this, there are moments (either on a individual or collective level) that make it more probable. 

via Unsplash

How Does Spiritual Emergence Happen?

Sometimes the zeitgeist or collective consciousness can make spiritual emergence more probable. For example during the Civil Rights, Feminist, and anti-war movements of the 1960s, or even now in the current moment — as people are beginning to find their autonomy and power to make change again — spiritual emergence becomes more possible. 

On an individual’s level, spiritual emergence may be prompted by a variety of methods including (but not limited to): meditation, breathwork, yoga, sensorial therapies, and the use of psychedelics. It is possible for other atypical occurrences to trigger a spiritual awakening (or crisis) even if they are not part of a spiritual practice. These can include paranormal and/or UFO experiences, unitive experiences, kundalini awakenings, or near death experiences, among other events.

Clearly, (depending on your beliefs) most of these events cannot be caused on purpose. Psychedelics are the exception here. When you choose to take a psychedelic, like magic mushrooms or LSD, you are intentionally opening yourself up to the possibility that you may have a spiritual emergence. 

What is Spiritual Emergence in a Psychedelic Context? 

It has been said by some that psychedelics are a ‘shortcut’ to Enlightenment. While perhaps that may be putting things too simply, it does reflect what powerful spiritual technologies they can be. They are catalysts, opening us up to transformation; but they can also be unpredictable. Even if you are an experienced tripper, you can’t be certain what may be illuminated, what may come forth. Once you’ve boarded the train, you have to stay on till the station. 

via Unsplash

This is why, if you’re taking a dosage of psychedelics that could open you up to the possibility of ego death, transcendence, or spiritual emergence, you have to be prepared for infinite outcomes. Things can get intense, weird, or awesome — in the literal ‘awe’ sense. Some people are better at handling the psychedelic ride than others. It is good to be aware where on the spectrum you fall. 

You may have planned, and hoped for, a spiritual journey. However, even if you didn’t anticipate one — you were just minding your own business — you may find yourself having a spiritual awakening during, or after, a psychedelic trip. On the flip-side, you may also find yourself with a spiritual emergency. This is why planning your post-trip integration is key. 

What is a Spiritual Emergency?

So now we know what a spiritual emergence is, we must learn about its twin, the spiritual emergency. This is when the spiritual growth/awakening/realizations have become so intense as to be overwhelming for the individual. Grof explained the effects of a spiritual emergency on a person; “In many cases, new realms of mystical and spiritual experience enter their lives suddenly and dramatically, resulting in fear and confusion. They may feel tremendous anxiety, have difficulty coping with their daily lives, jobs, and relationships, and may even fear for their own sanity.”

Sounds pretty negative, right? But through Grof’s understanding this is not necessarily the case. One of the aims of transpersonal psychology is to bridge the gap between the dogma of Western mental health treatment and the wisdom of Indigenous shamanism. This perspective does not designate all spiritual struggles and challenges as a mental health disorder.

Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash
How to Begin Again

Instead, these ‘emergencies’ can be a space to grow and learn. When our belief systems or understanding of reality is truly shaken to its foundations, then we can start to build again. Indigenous shamans have long used natural psychedelics as a way of healing, getting to the very core of a person, which could not be reached otherwise. As Terence McKenna once said; “The shaman is not merely a sick man, or a madman; he is a sick man who has healed himself.” 

However, Western culture is only just starting to hear this vibration. Historically, mental health crises have been treated with sedation or heavy psychotherapy. The shaman looks to commune, work with, and through the ‘madness’.  

How Can Spiritual Emergence Benefit Us?

Learning to ride out our psychic challenges can have many benefits. These experiences can facilitate psychic and emotional healing, personal transformation, new perspectives, and the enhancement of our consciousness. Spiritual emergence, spiritual emergency, and healing are a continuum.

Grof noted;“This fact is reflected in the term ‘spiritual emergency,’ which suggests a crisis, but also suggests the potential for rising to a higher state of being,” 

A crisis, by definition, is when decisions must be made. They are the crossroads where we must find our direction. When we have come through on our journey, we can find deep and profound awareness, a higher understanding, and a new sense of purpose. 

Sometimes the realizations and insights we receive when tripping on psychedelics can be a lot. However, with the right integration practices and support, studies have shown that even a negative experience on psychedelics can have positive outcomes in the long run.

We always advise using psychedelics responsibly… because you can never be sure when your spiritual awakening might just show up.