The growing pile of research that touts psychedelics as a potential treatment for a host of mental health conditions — for depression, to anxiety, to PTSD, to body dysmorphia — is big news. It points towards a brighter future, where care is more holistic, and comes from a natural source. However, less has been said in the media about how psychedelics could benefit those who do not suffer from these conditions.
While no one is playing the world’s tiniest violin for those who are lucky enough to call themselves ‘happy’, if you are new to the world of psychedelics, you might be forgiven for thinking — ‘I already feel good, are psychedelics for me?’

How Psychedelics Can Benefit the ‘Already Well’
But, why not think of it this way: someone diagnosed with a heart condition or high blood pressure is advised to exercise more, eat healthier, get better quality sleep — but that doesn’t mean those habits wouldn’t benefit someone who is perfectly healthy. That’s good advice for everyone!
Similarly, you don’t have to be depressed or suffering to benefit from psychedelics. Psychedelics can be a positive force in your life regardless of your mental health or emotional state. On top of that, they can also be a heck of a lot of fun! Here are a few ways that psychedelics could benefit you, even if you already feel pretty, pretty, good.
Deeper Spirituality
In the fast-paced, overwhelming present we live in, spirituality has taken a backseat like never before. While in some ways we are more connected than any previous moment in history, real social connection and community for many people is lacking. Psychedelics are linked to feelings of closeness to things beyond oneself, which is associated with spirituality. This can include feelings of oneness with the universe or ‘God’, a deeper empathy and compassion for all living things, as well as a feeling of being part of something bigger than oneself.
Unsurprisingly, these deep, mythical experiences that can be experienced with substances like psilocybin, DMT, or ayahuasca have been observed to lead to profound changes in spirituality. For example, in one study, over two-thirds of the participants who had identified as atheists no longer called themselves as such after their psychedelic experience. Psychedelics have also been known to increase feelings of gratitude and decrease fears around death — something that even the most stable person can find daunting.

Similarly, psychedelic experiences have also been found to make people less materialistic and dependent on financial prosperity for meaning and happiness, while being more caring about the environment and those around them — again a point of view associated with all stripes of spirituality.
Increase in Positive Habits
The fact that psychedelics can increase structural neural plasticity (i.e. the brain’s ability to make new connections) is thought to be the reason for its great successes as a mental health treatment. Higher neuroplasticity has been linked with lasting traits like increased mindfulness and adoption of positive habits and behaviours. Similarly, psychedelic use has also been associated with reduced stress, healthier lifestyle habits, and a reduced intake of other drugs.
The benefits associated with psychedelic experiences are known to persist for months, or even years, afterwards. These can include improved mood, increased creativity and imagination, and a hunger for knowledge and experience. Changes like this can affect the direction of an individual’s life for the better, in both the personal and professional realms.
Psychedelic use has also been linked to a deeper connection to nature, something that has been shown to be greatly beneficial to our health and well-being. Turns out being a tree-hugger is actually good for you!

Improvement to Social Relationships
According to science, our personality, especially social traits that reflect how open we are to other people, are mostly fixed by the time we are 30. Fascinatingly, research has shown that psychedelics may be one of the few things that could challenge that.
In one psilocybin study, participants showed increases in the personality trait of openness that lasted over a year after the experience. In this instance, openness means a greater tolerance of other people, even if they have different views and values than ourselves, as well as a greater appreciation for connecting with new people too.

Improvements to Overall Well-Being
There has long been a correlation between psychological health and connectedness to nature and the natural world. This can be observed as an enhanced sense of purpose as well as an increase in pro-social behaviour. However, there are many, many more wellness benefits that come with psychedelic use.
In recreational settings (which are far more common than clinical ones), as well as personal enjoyment and exploration, psychedelic use has been linked to significant wellness benefits. This tends to be due to the transformative and transcendental experiences induced by these substances, which some researchers have dubbed “quantum change” experiences.
In a 2020 study, scientists conducted surveys with over 1,200 people in the U.S or U.K who attended large gatherings where psychedelics were consumed, such as music festivals. The researchers found that the experiences reported were so transformative and profoundly life-changing that they could not have been predicted in advance.
Transformative trips like these are thought to be the result of mystical-experiences that often end up shifting an individual’s beliefs, values, and morals. The feeling of awe associated with them not only enhance feelings of well-being and life-satisfaction, they also reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. This also goes for so-called ‘normal’ people. Everyone has ups and downs sometimes!

Always Growing
Even if we feel our lives are pretty good, there is always room to grow. Always room to step outside of our egos, open up our imaginations, and connect to the natural world. While the majority of psychedelic research has been focused on the therapeutic and clinical applications of psychedelics, it is clear that you don’t have to be struggling to experience their benefits.
Many people, for instance, seek psychedelic experiences to broaden their minds and increase their spirituality. Other’s wish to increase pro-social behaviour and adopt better habits and attitudes. Others just want to have a grand few hours tripping on the grass with their friends.
Whether you are happy, sad, content, confused, bored or busy, or anything under the sun really, psychedelics may benefit you. It’s what you want to achieve that counts.