Astronauts on Shrooms
But, what if by exploring the spiritual and mental planes it could prepare and protect those who are actually exploring the actual deep, dark emptiness of space. Yep, we’re talking astronauts on shrooms. And not just because it sounds crazy cool. There’s actually a lot of logic and care behind the proposal. Y’see it’s all about protecting the mental and physical health of those brave folks who willingly get shot up into space to float around in the great, wide, open.

In fact, according to a study recently published in the journal Frontiers in Space Travel these concerns “…will inevitably supersede the need for technological innovation, as the major challenge in long-duration space travel.”

The paper, with the delightfully cinematic title, A long trip into the universe: Psychedelics and space travel, outlines a convincing new argument as to why psychedelics, such as magic mushrooms, could become a key aspect of space exploration in the not-too-distant future. You can have the most advanced technology in the world, but if you’re not looking after those who have to use it then you’re doomed to fail.
The Health Risks Faced By Astronauts
Although less publicized than the positive experiences of astronauts, there are many health risks associated with living for prolonged periods in space. NASA’s Human Research Program identifies at least 30 including;
- Sleep Disorders;
- Psychosomatic symptoms;
- Mood swings;
- Irritability towards crew members and staff;
- Lapses in attention;
- Psychological distress;
- Decline in motivation and vigor;
- Increased risk of anxiety, depression and psychosis;
- Post-mission personality changes.
Could Astronauts Soon Be Tripping in Space?
With longer space missions than ever before becoming a real possibility, finding ways to help astronauts cope is essential. As co-author of the paper Leonard Lerer lays out;
“We propose a role for psychedelics (psychoactive fungal, plant, and animal molecules that cause alterations in perception, mood, behavior, and consciousness.) In particular psychedelic mushrooms to facilitate extended sojourns in space.”
“Psychedelics research is in the midst of a renaissance and psychedelics are being explored not only for their therapeutic potential in psychiatry but also for their ability to promote neuroplasticity, modulate the immune system and reduce inflammation.”

Indeed, it is not just mental pressure that the astronauts find themselves under. NASA reports that during a spaceflight lasting just 5-11 days an astronaut will experience up to 20% loss of muscle mass. A loss of muscle mass results in loss of strength — potentially dangerous if “… an astronaut must perform a strenuous emergency procedure upon re-entry into the Earth’s gravitational field.”
With slated future space missions assumed to be years long, any potential ways to combat these effects become vital avenues of research.
Dealing With the Psychological Effects of Space Travel
And, the psychological effects of space travel are just as serious as the physical ones. There is intense pressure and stress associated in taking part in these missions. Even for the most well trained astronaut it can be debilitating, and potentially have harmful effects on their psyche long-term. The researchers of this study argue that psilocybin could be key to helping the astronauts adapt to, cope with, or potentially side-step the negative effects of their situation.

“Given the psychological pressures of long-duration space travel at an individual and group level, it is useful to consider the potential positive, adaptive effects of the psychedelic experience that include enriched states of consciousness, enhanced cognitive flexibility, heightened creativity, enhanced ability to attribute meaning and value, empathy, enhanced insightfulness, and self-awareness.”
Basically, the researchers believe that psychedelics could help the astronauts deal with what — if you think about it — is a mad, mind-boggling, freaky, bizarre, life altering experience. They’re floating around in space for goodness sake! It’s surreal. Even psychedelic one might say…
The Similarities Between Psychedelics and Space Trips
Excitingly, the researchers did go as far as to acknowledge the striking psychological similarities between psychedelic trips and space missions. They flagged up the reports from astronauts that had spent time in space as evidence. These astronauts cited;
“…transcendental experiences, religious insights, or a sense of unity with humankind to some extent attributed to viewing the Earth below and the cosmos beyond”
I mean, it does sound pretty similar… The religious and spiritual insights, a sense of oneness, unity and mystical experiences. It’s the reason psychedelics have been adored as a “transcendental” tool for millenia. The researchers stated that pre-space mission psychedelic trips could be a way to introduce astronauts to the feelings they will encounter once there. Additionally, it was tentatively suggested that psychedelic experiences could even prepare astronauts for if they were to meet other life-forms (aliens you might say!) during their missions.

Exploring Both Inner Space and Outer Space…
The authors of the paper concluded;
“While there is no empirical evidence to support the application of psychedelics in space exploration, we should be aware that our species has a longstanding history of using psychedelics to explore the fluid interface between our inner space (including our consciousness) and the universe or outer space,”
And, while they were conservative enough to say there was not yet any “empirical” evidence, this simply means it has not been tried yet. (Empirical meaning based on experience.)
And y’know, of course there isn’t (yet)! This current psychedelic renaissance is still pretty young, and giving astronauts shrooms is a rather new and wacky idea. But — any psychonaut would surely empirically say that magic mushrooms have made them feel one with the world, grow spiritually, and helped them connect to themselves in a deeper way. There’s no reason that this wouldn’t also be the case in space.
In the meantime, we’ll keep you updated on all the shrooms-in-space news!

Keep exploring the cosmos you guys…